Parenting tips: Understanding why kids don’t listen to us; psychologist explains


From having unmet needs to feeling dissociated from the parent, here are a few reasons why kids may not listen to the parent.

When a child consistently refuses to listen to the parent, it can be very triggering for the parent. However, instead of yelling or punishing the kids for throwing tantrums, we need to understand the root cause of their behavioural patterns. Psychologist Jazmine McCoy explained this behaviour of kids and how we can address it in a healthy manner. (Gettyimages) They have different priorities: As parents, we prioritise sticking to a routine, while for children, their priorities include learning and exploring their environment. It is essential to find a common ground with the child. (Getty Images/iStockphoto) We do not execute our promises: When a parent does not match their words with actions, the child starts believing that the parent is all words and not action. Hence, the child starts to disobey the parent. (Unsplash) We give in to their demands: While a parent ensures to provide the best of everything to their child, we should be careful not to give in to their demands all the time. That may give the child the impression that they can get away with anything. (Unsplash) Underlying unmet need: Unmet needs such as hunger, sleep, loneliness, boredom or intense emotions may show up as disobedience towards the parent. (Unsplash) They do not feel connected to us: When a child feels dissociated from the parent, they start acting up and not listening to the parent, in order to gain their attention. (Unsplash)

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