Can you train your dog to not have car sickness?


Can you train your dog to not have car sickness?

Listen to Story Travelling by car can be incredibly enjoyable, except for those prone to motion sickness . The thrill of long drives, picturesque views, and music often make a road trip feel straight out of a movie, especially when accompanied by a beloved co-traveller. This is why many people bring along their furry friends. Most dogs actually relish car rides, adding to the adventure. However, there are some pups who struggle with road trips due to car sickness. "Dogs can indeed experience car sickness, but it is more common in young dogs than in adults primarily due to their developing inner ear structures. The inner ear helps with balance and spatial orientation, and in puppies and younger dogs, this system is still maturing," Dr Ivanka Fernandes, veterinary product executive at Drools (a pet food brand), tells India Today . The doctor goes on to explain that the motion of a moving vehicle can conflict with the visual and sensory inputs dogs receive, leading to nausea and discomfort. Symptoms of car sickness amongst dogs can vary but commonly include drooling, excessive lip licking, whining, restlessness, and in severe cases, vomiting. Adding to this, Priyanka Tiwari, a Noida-based canine trainer and behaviour specialist, shares, "Another reason for car sickness or anxiety can be a negative association with going to the vet that all puppies go through in the first couple of months of their coming home. As a result of which, the anticipation of going to the vet can also cause anxiety and stress for a dog." Further, Tiwari mentions that dogs can also get travel anxiety due to: Meanwhile, Dr Fernandes says that travel anxiety is a common issue amongst dogs and can stem from various factors. "Dogs may feel anxious due to unfamiliar environments, the sensation of movement, or past negative experiences associated with travel," the doctor adds. And, if you see signs such as panting, pacing, trembling, whining, or if your dog is seeking excessive reassurance from you, they might be experiencing travel anxiety. "Understanding and addressing the underlying causes of anxiety can help make travel experiences less stressful for dogs," says Dr Fernandes. Dogs also struggle with car sickness (Photo: Pexels/Guilherme Stecanella) Tiwari assures that yes, it is possible, and you need to start early, just like any other training. Sharing her personal experience, Tiwari says that she likes to give some pet-safe peanut butter or ice cream which is exclusive for car rides. Dr Fernandes agrees and says that it is possible to reduce or eliminate car sickness through systematic desensitisation and positive reinforcement. According to the doctor, over time, most dogs can learn to associate car rides with pleasant experiences, helping to alleviate their anxiety and car sickness. "Make sure to feed your pup a couple of hours prior to a long drive, and ensure that their bladder is empty before getting in the car. You can also use car seat covers/hammocks or a dog bed on the seat to make it comfortable for the dog to sit or lie down. Additionally, always keep drinking water handy, and carry a few treats to reinforce good/calm behaviour in the car," says Tiwari. Adding to this, Dr Fernandes shares that when travelling with dogs, planning ahead is essential for a smooth and enjoyable journey. "Remember to keep your dog's identification tags updated in case of emergencies. It is always good to familiarise yourself with pet-friendly accommodations and stops along your route to make travelling with your dog a positive experience for both of you," the doctor shares further.

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