Nurturing a patch of green


Experiencing the excitement of gardening in a narrow balcony

O ut of the countless things that one can do at leisure every day, I chose urban gardening. In my make-do garden and usefully constrained utility balcony, I welcomed the first few members of what I had hoped would flourish into a large family. And I was quite excited to share my home with the most colourful collection of succulents, flowers, ferns and more such. The first momentous occasion in my green adventure came on the day when the first flower blossomed in the hot, humid air. And though it looked a little frailer than I had expected, I still cherish it as it was the first plant that I was parenting. However, the bashful flower, trying to smile through the bud-less branches, would soon find itself arrested by my unrestrained apprehensions. Its morning would begin with a nutritious cocktail of vegetable remnants religiously soaked in water every night, a rich helping of dried tea leaves, and a daily shower of home-made fungicide. Every day, I would douse it with love and yet another home-made social media-recommended concoction to help it bloom faster and fuller. Soon my commitment towards what I was cultivating as my new hobby would be ruthlessly tested. Heatwaves would scorch the soil, and the only new shoots growing relentlessly tall would be of a certain unidentified weed that would be plucked and torn away weeks later. Slimy stealthy caterpillars would voraciously feed on the leaves and flowers. However, one day, the sunlight bounced off a hitherto unseen shiny green leaf shivering behind the dark big one. I could not ignore the rekindling that the reflecting sun rays had sparked in me. Every morning, I would walk in with a jug of water and cautious optimism. A few days later, the plant that I had shifted into shade showed signs of resurgence. The brown leaves dried off, and new shoots emerged. The earthy fragrance of its wet soil became a harbinger of its renewed health. And so, the adventure continues. Copy link Email Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit

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