Trump will pull US out of Paris climate accord again if he comes back to power, campaign spokesperson confirms


The provocative statement came after the Conservatives hinted at coming up with an executive order for Trump to 'quickly sign' if he wins the 2024 US Presidential elections

Former US President Donald Trump will pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord for the second time if comes back to the White House, his campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt confirmed. The provocative statement came after the Conservatives hinted at coming up with an executive order for Trump to “quickly sign” if he wins the 2024 US Presidential elections. The Paris Climate Accord was signed with the intention of reducing the global emissions of the greenhouse gases causing climate change. Among the draft orders, the Conservatives will be trying to push a proposal that could remove the United States from the entire United Nations’ framework underpinning global climate negotiations. The remarks from Trump’s campaign spokesperson came when she was asked about her take on the matter. “Yes, he has said that he would," Leavitt replied to the question which was posed by POLITICO . Trump continues to slam the Paris accord It is pertinent to note that the former president himself railed against the Paris accord in his recent debate against US President Joe Biden. He insisted that the agreement was “a rip off of the United States” and “a disaster.” In light of this, industry lawyers are preparing different executive orders on different energy policies for Trump’s signature. “A couple different versions” of draft executive orders pulling the US out of the accord currently exist for Trump to sign, an oil industry lawyer familiar with the process told POLITICO . One of these drafts included pulling the United States out of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). However, Leavitt did not respond to the speculations on whether Trump was considering pulling the US out of the UNFCCC, which would turn out to be an even bigger setback for the world’s fight against climate change and global warming. The Paris Agreement was signed by the US in 2015 under the Obama administration. It is pertinent to note that Trump could not immediately pull the US out of the Paris accord. A signatory is obligated to give notice to the UN Secretary-General and wait for one year to formally withdraw from the accord. Trump gave the notice for the same in 2019 with the US exiting the climate agreement the following year. However, the US dropping out of the UNFCCC would be much more concerning. Washington’s departure would impede the UNFCCC’s operations since it is the major funder of the treaty. Leaving the UNFCCC would also take one year. Hence, the future of the United States’ response to climate change depends upon who will assume the office. With inputs from agencies.

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